Blackjack Strategy

The main blackjack strategies are aimed at helping you to understand when to hit, take insurance, double down, stand, surrender or split. You should understand that for each combination of cards, basic/main strategies are considered to be the moves which can help you to better winning chances. Keep in mind that splitting and doubling down or hitting or standing are equally important.

You may hit in case if playing hand is 11and lower. Don't worry to bust. Tough, very often the mentioned hands may be split /doubled down. Do not hit when having under 17, you may do it only in case of soft 17 when an Ace is present.

Hitting and Standing

Values are supposed to be soft if Ace is present as it counts as 1 or 11.

In case if there is Ace:


Fundamental strategies for hitting and standing are the following:

Having between twelve and sixteen, you need to:


Fundamental splitting rules:

Doubling Down

Fundamental strategies when it comes to double down:


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