Blackjack Card Values

The traditional blackjack game implies using of a 52 cards deck or several of those. It means that a player gets 13 cards and every single card has own suit. Such suits are divided into 4 symbols which are printed on the cards.

Sixteen cards have a value of 10. These are: four kings, queens and jacks as well as four 10s. The previous statement means that 30,7 % of the cards could be used to bust with a hand value that is bigger than 11. This is a very important aspect if a person plays blackjack online since it's the big part of a strategy and some kind of a blackjack tip.

Values of cards

10 is a constant value of the Jack, Queen and King.

The values of cards with numbers from 2 to 10 depend on their numbers. Thus, 5 equals 5, 8 equals 8 and so on.

The ace can be evaluated as 1 as well as 11. It depends on the gaming situation for a player and on which number he needs more.


According to contemporary standards, suits don't really have a vital importance, but there are still some variations of blackjack as Triple 7s and Blackjack Bonus in which the suits have a big deal. In particular cases, unique payoffs are offered by the suits.

Blackjack Payouts

In blackjack game in case a players have a hand with a spade ace or a spade jack, those players get much better payout or the additional bonus depending on a casino where blackjack session is played.


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