Speed Bingo

We live in a world of instant gratification. We want everything now and we want everything quickly, and bingo is no exception. In the grimy and gloomy bingo halls of your town, you will no doubt play the game with a set of 90-balls, and 5 x 5 cards containing 25-random numbers. In the online world the same ingredients have been used to create the same sort of vibe (minus the grime and gloom). But the online world like Unibet allows bingo to change and become something very different indeed.

In a world that wants everything yesterday why don’t we just quicken the pace? What if we reduce the number of balls that are available to be plucked from obscurity and also reduce the numbers shorn into the cards? Why don’t we generate them really, really fast? What would that look like?

Variations of that very game have sprung up like leaks in rusty pipework and they are called Speed Bingo. In this variation of the game there are only 30-balls and each playing card consists of a 3 x 3 matrix instead of the usual 5 x 5 version.

The introduction of Speed Bingo means you are able to fit in more games per hour thus giving you more chances to win. The reduction in numbers means that the only version of this game is played for the Full House. Corners and lines are not included due to the much smaller scale of the game card.

So a reduced option when it comes to choice of winning ways, but this loss is covered by the sheer excitement and speed that the game generates.


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